1. Action to be taken at an official earthquake warning
- 1-1 When at home:
- Preparation for emergency, confirmation of contact method with family members, contact with one's boss.
- 1-2 On the way to office:
- Come to the office in principle, get in touch with family.
- 1-3 In the office:
- Continuation of task as usual, waiting for one's boss' instruction.
Checking/preparation of emergency goods, evacuation route.
Get in touch with family.
- 1-4 Outside of office:
- Immediately come back to the office, get in touch with one's boss for instruction, and family.
- 1-5 On one's way home:
- Return home immediately, preparation for emergency /confirmation of communication procedure, and get in touch with one's boss.
2. Action at the moment of EQ
- 2-1 When indoors:
- Get under a desk.
Open the door to reserve an exit.
Extinguish a fire after a quake quiets down.
Don't rush out.
Don't move if you are on the 2nd floor or higher where it is safe.
- 2-2 When outdoors:
- Protect your head with a bag, clothes….
Evacuate indoors.
Stay away from concrete walls & gate posts.
Stay away from old buildings.
Glass fragments can fly over a range of half the height of the building.
3. After the quake quiets down
- In case of fire arises:
Maintain a low posture, do not inhale the smoke.
Cover your nose and mouth with a wet towel.
Initial extinction.
Rescue effort: Begin rescue work from an easy site.
Get away from tsunami as fast as you can to the highest ground of your neighborhood.
Tsunami comes repeatedly.
4. Criteria for judgment of evacuation from disaster
- 4-1 Evacuation site (neighborhood of office):
- Temporary evacuation site: Hongo Primary School 経路を見る
Extensive evacuation site: Korakuen area 経路を見る
- 4-2 When outdoors:
- Evacuation criteria in case a fire is near at hand.
Windward 300m / crosswind ward 150m / leeward 100m
5. Communication with office/family member
- 5-1 Office phone numbers:
- Main No. 03-5842-7111
F&A manager 03-5842-7106
- 5-2 When at home:
- Communication with the boss by use of NS network for emergency contact.
- 5-3 On the way to office:
- Judgment of the situation: coming to the office or return home, contact the boss and family members from the evacuation site, using Disaster Emergency Message Dial, NS network for emergency contact.
- 5-4 When in office:
- Contact the boss and family members from the evacuation site, using Disaster Emergency Message Dial, NS network for emergency contact.
- 5-5 Outside of office:
- Contact the boss and family members from the evacuation site, using Disaster Emergency Message Dial, NS network for emergency contact.
- 5-6 On the way to return home:
- Contact the boss and family members from the evacuation site, using Disaster Emergency Message Dial, NS network for emergency contact.
6. Criteria for judgment of returning home, precautions
- 6-1 Criteria for judgment of returning home on foot
- Only persons who can arrive home before it gets dark. (ref: time of sunrise/sunset)
- 6-2 Action to be taken by people who cannot arrive home before it gets dark.
- Stay in the office or evacuation center, and return home on the following day.
- 6-1-2 Criteria for calculation of time distance of return home
- 2.5km/h (10km max with leather shoes. It is preferable to have sneakers ready in the office.)
- 6-1-3 Precautions when returning home
- Departure after the afterquakes quiet.
Return home in a group for the same direction.
Use main roads.
Take some water.